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Our Bi-Annual General Meeting will take place on Saturday 10th November 2019 at 11.45am in the Spring Hill College library at Moseley School.

As the association moves into its 24th year the current committee, many of whom have been actively involved in running the association since its rebirth in 1995, are looking to retire over the next two years and wish to hand over the controls of the association to a new, younger generation.

If you are interesting in being part of the association’s future, and wish to find out more about taking an active role, then please do come along and talk to Richard, our Chairman, or contact him via our Contact us page.

The Moseleians Association held an Annual General Meeting until 2013 when it was proposed and accepted that future General Meetings will be held every second year to coincide with the election of association officers. This year the Chairman, Treasurer and Secretary are up for election. Richard Cobb, our current chairman, and Stephen George, our current Treasurer will be standing for re-election. Pete Anstey has stood down as Secretary so the position is currently vacant. If you are interesting in finding out more about taking on this role please contact Richard via the Contact us page.

Association members who are logged in to this website can download the minutes of this and other committee meetings by clicking HERE.

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